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Our goal is to plant churches, provide quality Bible study,
Christian literature and Bibles in Arabic and other languages.

EMMAUS is a Bible Correspondence School by mail and online, non-denominational in outreach and founded for the purpose of encouraging the systematic study of the Word of God. It operates in 95 countries on every continent using courses in over 100 languages.


The main office for Emmaus Middle East Arabic Language is in Nazareth, Israel. 22% of Israel’s population of nine million, are Arabic speakers as well as 4.5 million in the Palestinian Territories. Our online ministry of courses reaches a global audience of 313 million Arabic speakers.


EMMAUS website has a free download of the Bible, the courses in text, audio and video, several Christian books, daily devotional articles, a corner for children and youth and the possibility to ask questions, which are answered by the staff of Emmaus. In this way the Word is being brought to the Arabic speaking audience. The smart phone and tablet application is for Bible study courses and Bible text only.

Assembly meeting times in Nazareth
Sunday 10.00 am
Thursday 7.00 pm
Ladies Meeting once every 2 weeks: Wednesday 10.00 am




Official Status


EBS (Emmaus Bible School) has been registered with the government since 1979 as an “Ottoman institution” and since 1984 as “Amuta” Non-profit Organization. The Board is made up of 8 members who together make the decisions in order to improve the effectiveness of the ministry.


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