In 2019 our colleagues in Jordan started to make video recordings of the teaching of some of the courses and post them on social media. This meant that it could reach a much wider audience. The year 2020 will be remembered of course for the global Corona pandemic. As local church meetings were now having to use ZOOM and having to close the office in the lockdowns, we thought that we could use the time to produce videos of the courses for children and adults for posting on social media and YouTube. See the link for an example. We look forward to having a proper recording studio in the new facility, to make these video and audio recordings with a better quality.

Two of our staff members attended a short course in how to make audio recordings and in 2019 they started to make recordings with our minimal facilities, of the first evangelistic books and courses in the form of discussion. At the beginning of 2021, believers who run a Christian Arabic radio station - Voice of Hope to the Middle East, really liked these recordings and are now broadcasting them every week. Their audience not only includes Middle Eastern countries but also North Africa. This is a great opportunity to reach the unreached with the gospel and promote the Emmaus courses.